
Secret of Family Business Success talkshow

On April 25, 2018, Pakuwon Center, together with Pricewaterhouse Coopers Indonesia and Bank Mandiri, held exclusive gathering entitled Secret of Family Business Success. This interactive talkshow was brought by Marcel Irawan, one of PwC Indonesia directors who serves numerous family businesses clients, start-up companies and state-owned and multi-national companies throughout 16 years of his professional experience, including short-term working experiences in PwC Switzerland, Australia and United States. This topic is discussed due to the awareness to prepare succession plan throughout generations. Family business needs to professionalize the business and indeed, professionalize the family.

At this opportunity, Pakuwon Center also launched its latest fashionable and sophisticated show unit to let customers sense the convenience working in Pakuwon Center. For more information about Pakuwon Tower, please call 031-5116 4455.
